中文介绍(Introduction in Chinese):
片名: 八美图/八美千娇/8 femmes/8 Women
导演: François Ozon
主演: 凯瑟琳-德纳芙(Catherine Deneuve)
伊莎贝尔-赫珀特(Isabelle Huppert)
伊曼纽尔-贝阿(Emmanuelle Béart)
范妮-阿丹(Fanny Ardant)
弗吉尼-莱多嫣(Virginie Ledoyen)
国家/地区: 法国 / 意大利
上映日期: 2002-02-06
格式:MKV 748MB
片长: 111 min
语言: 法语
字幕: 中英
IMDB评分: 7.0/10 (14,673 votes)
IMDB链接: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0283832/
法国最大胆、最富创造力的编剧兼导演之一佛朗索瓦-奥兹恩(Francois Ozon)的力作《八美图》是一部关于神秘谋杀案的喜剧片。片中阵容堪称豪华,汇集了当今法国电影界顶尖女影星,包括:丹尼尔-达里尤(Danielle Darrieux)、凯瑟琳-德纳芙 (Catherine Deneuve)、伊莎贝尔-赫珀特(Isabelle Huppert)、艾曼纽-贝阿 (Emmanuelle Béart)、范妮-阿丹(Fanny Ardant)、弗吉尼-莱多嫣(Virginie Ledoyen)、露迪文-萨格尼尔(Ludivine Sagnier)和弗明-理查德(Firmine Richard)等。这部影片曾在法国电影票房榜上一扫群雄,并 在2002年柏林国际电影节(Berlin International Film Festival)上,8位女明星集体荣获了银熊奖 (Silver Bear)。
影片的故事发生在上个世纪50年代雪花飘飘的法国乡下,一所独立的乡村公寓里,全家人聚集在一起准备过圣诞节。但是这里却丝毫没有节日的欢快气氛,因为他们令人敬重的家长马赛尔(Marcel,多米尼奎-拉姆尔饰,Dominique Lamure)被人谋害了。
凶手只可能是与马赛尔最亲近的8位女人中的一个。是他令人敬畏的妻子加比(Gaby,凯瑟琳-德纳芙饰)吗?还是他一直未婚的小姨子皮尔特 (Pierrette,范妮-阿丹饰)?吝啬贪婪的岳母玛米(Mamy,丹尼尔-达里尤饰)呢?或许是那个侮慢无礼的贴身女仆路易丝(Louise,伊曼 纽尔-贝阿饰)以及忠心耿耿的管家婆钱尼尔(Chanel,弗明-理查德饰)?也可能是他那二个年轻漂亮的宝贝女儿凯瑟琳(Catherine,露迪文- 萨格尼尔饰)和苏佐(Suzon,弗吉尼-莱多嫣饰)中的一个?虽然家里不时传出音乐声,但是马赛尔潇洒的姐姐奥古斯丁(Augustine,伊莎贝尔- 赫珀特饰)的突然到访,使整个家族陷入了更加狂乱、歇斯底里和互相敌对的状态。随着家庭黑暗秘密的不断爆出,戏剧性的情景出现了。背叛下的载歌载舞,揭示 出了女性精神世界的秘密。
Introduction in English(英文介绍):
Original Title: 8 femmes
AKA: 8 Women | 八美图
Release Date: 2006
Genre: Musical | Comedy | Crime | Mystery
Country: France | Italy
Language: French | English
Format: MKV
Size: 748MB
Sub: English (hardsub) | Chinese (embedded,can turn off)
IMDB: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0283832/
Director: François Ozon
Cast: Fanny Ardant | Emmanuelle Béart | Danielle Darrieux
8 femmes Movie Summary:
One morning at an isolated mansion in the snowy countryside of 1950s France, a family is gathered for the holiday season. But there will be no celebration at all because their beloved patriarch has been murdered! The killer can only be one of the eight women closest to the man of the house. Was it his powerful wife? His spinster sister-in-law? His miserly mother-in-law? Maybe the insolent chambermaid or the loyal housekeeper? Could it possibly have been one of his two young daughters? A surprise visit from the victim’s chic sister sends the household into a tizzy, encouraging hysterics, exacerbating rivalries, and encompassing musical interludes. Comedic situations arise with the revelations of dark family secrets. Seduction dances with betrayal. The mystery of the female psyche is revealed. There are eight women and each is a suspect. Each has a motive. Each has a secret. Beautiful, tempestuous, intelligent, sensual, and dangerous…one of them is guilty. Which one is it?
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